Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Another Episode of Listening to the Classical Radio Station

Mother's Day Afternoon. I am driving home to get to the Mother's Day party. I am listening to a listener request program on the classical music radio station. Coincidentally this is the same program I was listening to that I described a few months ago in this blog post. Unfortunately nothing so transcendental is about to happen to me this time, just a simple observation is all.

The music that's playing is, I would describe as, hauntingly beautiful. It is slow and melodious and there is a deep female vocal part that, combined with the violins, communicates to me a sense of longing and exile. Really quite remarkable.

The piece finishes and the announcer comes on (do you call them disc jockeys when it's the classical station?) and I must point out that this particular gentleman has a very deep gravely voice and British accent which I find delightfully erudite, but my parents think is obnoxious because he sounds like he's caressing the microphone as he speaks.

He says: "That piece gets to me every time I hear it. That is the second movement of Symphony Number 3 by Henryk
Górecki, the 'Symphony of Sorrowful Songs' requested by Lloyd in Happy Valley."

What kind of place is this happy valley? I believe this footage holds the answer:

1 comment:

Denice said...

I imagine if I lived somewhere so excessively happy I'd sometimes crave a symphony of sorrowful songs myself.