Thursday, March 20, 2008

A Foley Artist's Commentary of the "In Convenience" Trailer

This is a trailer to my friend Nels's movie that I helped do the sound effects for last summer. I don't know when or where this movie will come out, but everyone should go see it when it does, and support the independent filmmakers of eastern Idaho.

Most of the work I did isn't really here in the trailer (the footsteps, the papers and candy wrappers crinkling and all that fun stuff). Except for the part where the guy slides across the floor into the boxes. The sound of the boxes falling actually came from a sound effects library, so I didn't knock any boxes over, sorry to say. But the sound of the guys feet sliding across the floor comes from Tim (my partner at the time) and I sliding across Tim's kitchen floor. Ah, good times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Explains why Frownet was always hanging out by that mailbox. At least you didn't call in the press!