I haven't checked my youtube account in a while, so when I did so today I found that my most popular video, "the Orc Report," now has 314 views! Last time I checked it was at somewhere around 280. It's getting up there! So to celebrate it's surpassing the 300 mark I am posting it here for all of those who have not seen it.
And no, in case you were wondering, I am not the only person that's watched it, and watched it 314 times.
Just to sum up what it's about, I made this in April of 2007 shortly after all the trees were cut down on the BYU-Idaho campus. This investigative report reveals why.
Hey, Evan, It's Aunt Eileen! How are you?! I just read your blogs. They are great! I love the Orc Report, and your thump, thump thump story. You write very well. I am impressed. Keep it up. Oh, and by the way "Mommas" is Richie's nickname for me. Miss you on Sundays at dinner time! Will I see you in July?
Well, you can add at least one more to the list. Fantastic reporting Evan.
I thought this was brilliant the first time I saw it. On a second review I maintain that I was right. Brilliant!
Okay I admit...IT WAS ME who watched your Orc report 311 times!!!! Okay just twice but I like it. Makes me think maybe watching an Entmoot live might be like watching C-Span.
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